We take great pride in delivering a variety of fully integrated in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET components that can enhance your application performance. We offer the ideal solutions for .NET developers who need reliable and efficient tools that provide a wide range of the effective features at a reasonable price. To make the controls attractive as well as functional, our graphic designers are working hand-in-hand with our programmers to create high-quality, easy-to-integrate controls.
- ColorMixer is a fully customizable control easily integrated in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET,with an ability to take a color swatch from a palette and mix colors viewing the color coordinates in RGB, HSV, SMYK, HSL formats.
- ColorPicker is a .NET control, which allows you to choose a color swatch from wherever you want and display the color info in all possible color formats.
- CharMap is a .NET component with the ability to view and copy all characters of any font installed in the system.
- FontList Combo presents an opportunity to view and select any font installed in the operating system. There is the support of Windows, DOS and Unicode character sets.
- Lens is a.NET control, which allows you to set or retrieve the magnification scale of the objects.
- CharNavigator is a freeware program, developed for assisting end-users with font characters handling.
- ScreenDiscoverer is an ever-useful tool you can use for retrieving the magnification scale of the objects, color sampling, screen capturing as well as for snapshoting and copying color values into Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw.